Happy Reading!
Student Essays & Creative Pieces
Some creative and others formal, the pieces below reflect my students' growth
Golding’s Dark View of Human Nature
Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a novel in which a group of boys is stranded on a deserted island and are forced to self-govern and be self-sufficient.
Man (or Woman) Cannot Be Destroyed
Have you ever been destroyed but kept on trying? In the Old Man and The Sea, the old man, Santiago, fails his mission but he keeps his faith to venture on.
The Steep Run
I looked down the hill terrified because it was so steep. It seemed like it was vertical. And I started to face my terror.
My Passage to Freedom
I bit down on my knuckles so hard that blood came out. The boat was rocking on the shifting waves. The smell of the rotten fish and the motion of the boat made me feel nauseous enough that I wanted to throw-up.
The Sound of Snow Falling
On a December afternoon, meandering through a department store with my mother and brother, I saw the earmuffs lying on a display table. I quickly ran over to the glossy stand.
The Different Capes of Different Heroes
Merriam-Webster defines courage as the ability to do something one knows is difficult or dangerous. Not to insult Merriam-Webster or anything, but Atticus Finch from Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird has a better definition.