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Student Essays & Creative Pieces

Some creative and others formal, the pieces below reflect my students' growth

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A glowing jar with fireflies.
2nd-5th Grade

Jabberwocky, a retelling

Once upon a time there was a king and queen in a faraway kingdom. All their people were happy, including the king and queen, and it was a peaceful place.
Chloe Z.
5th Grade
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Two paths in a forest
9th-12th Grade

FOMO in the Classics

Fear of missing out makes people dissatisfied with their lives and envious of others.
Claire O.
9th Grade
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9th-12th Grade

An Ever-Changing Identity

In the novels The Planet of Exile and The City of Illusions Ursula K. Le Guin uses the character development of the farborns, Jacob, and Falk-Ramarren to convey the message that here is no core self...
Advait B.
9th Grade
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A photograph of a magical little hut surrounded by green grass.
6th-8th Grade

What Makes Bilbo, Bilbo?

People often debate whether personalities are determined by nature or nurture.
By Eric Z.
7th Grade
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A child's hand on top of a father's hand.
9th-12th Grade

A Boy’s Need for his Father’s Love

In the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, the protagonist Amir finds himself conflicted between earning the lifelong approval of his father or saving his loyal friend.
Manar A.
10th Grade
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A black and white photograph of three boys, backs to us, peering through a wire fence.
6th-8th Grade

The Power of Human Connection

Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird once said, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view — until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”
By Rui W.
7th Grade
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A dark red sea creature against a dark background.
6th-8th Grade

Is Boo a Monster?

People fear sharks because they don’t know much about them. People think that sharks are ruthless human killers because the thing that most people know about sharks is that they have big teeth. 
Christian C.
7th Grade
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Open oyster in a person's hand.
6th-8th Grade

Kino’s Battle With Fate

In John Steinbeck’s The Pearl Kino has a conflict with fate when he strives to rise to the status of a colonizer and the conflict is resolved when Kino throws the pearl back into the water, symbolizing that he had given up on his dream.
Cayden S.
8th Grade
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Sketch of a boy holding a dead rabbit.
9th-12th Grade

The Case for Teaching Huck Finn

Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is a controversial book. Many schools and teachers around the country oppose the teaching of Huck Finn. They assert that the book is racist.
Amit P.
10th Grade
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